
Welcome to the Clarity Hack, the first hackathon in the Stacks 2.0 Hackathon Series. 

A virtual hackathon where you'll build your very own smart contracts using Clarity. The hack will let you experiment and familiarize with Clarity’s developer environment. 

武雪梅:苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2 天前 · VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络进行加密通信。 其实早在今年1月中下旬工信部就要求,在信息技术、云计算、大数据蓬勃发展的大背景下,要防止无序发展的苗头,依法查处无证经营、超范围经营等违法行为,强化网络信息安全管理,维护公平有序的市场环境。

Inspiration: Included is a list of contracts that we'd love to see built (and you're eligible to win bonuses by building one of these), but this is an open-ended contest and you're definitely free to run with your own ideas!

  • Simple exchange
  • DAOs
  • Dapp
  • Counter
  • Supply chain
  • Deeds
  • Access Restriction
  • Withdrawals
  • Send
  • State Machines
  • Balance Address Checker
  • Contracts call another Contract
  • Fundraising
  • Simple Marketplace
  • vpn数据安全
  • Asset transfer
  • Lottery
  • Delegated Voting
  • Smart contract IOT - devices
  • Legal Agreements
  • Payment Splitting


Check out this fantastic list of helpful tools and resources that will give you a headstart with Clarity: http://community.blockstack.org/stacks-series-resources


Join us for the Stacks 2.0 Hackathon Series kickoff event with Clarity Hack on July 30th. Joe Bender, Blockstack Developer Evangelist, will give you an overview of our different challenges where you can win up to $8,500 in prizes.  Hackers will have the opportunity to win one of our twenty-five prizes!

Registration link: http://www.crowdcast.io/e/clarity-hack-workshop 

What is Blockstack? Blockstack is an open-source and developer-friendly platform for building decentralized apps and smart contracts. http://www.blockstack.org/

View full rules


$8,750 in prizes

Grande Prize - $2,000

VPN有什么用?是用来干啥的? - Youth.cn:2021-7-6 · 而使用VPN众后,你在网络上的访问数据被加密和隐藏,避免了个人敏感信息的泄露。举个例子来说,网购的时候一旦泄露银行卡信息,可能会带来钱财的损失,通过VPN再进行网购,会增加安全性,当然,必须是可靠的VPN服务商。

Second Place - $1,500

The second place winner will receive $1,500.

Third Place - $1,000

The third place winner will receive $1,000.

Runners Up - $500 (3)

Judges will choose three (3) projects that will receive $500.

Second Runners Up - $250 (4)

Judges will choose four (4) projects that will receive $250.

Third Runners Up - $50 (15)

Judges will choose fifteen (15) projects that will receive $50.

BONUS for the "Smartest" contracts out there! (2)

Now for the cherry on top. Everybody loves some extra credit, so we’ve decided to place a bounty on the head for some of the “smartest” contracts out there. Every blockchain with an SC language should have publicly available a fleet of contracts that fulfill the most basic and necessary functions developers require. The winning entries will receive $500.


Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:



  • You must build and submit a new contract to be eligible.
  • It will be at the discretion of Blockstack PBC if it is suspected someone is trying to game the system by trying to make slight changes to existing contracts for the reward. 
  • Participants must be at least eighteen years old and may participate individually or form teams.
  • The Hackathon is open to U.S. legal residents and residents of any other jurisdiction where the Hackathon is not prohibited or restricted by law. The Hackathon is not open to residents of Brazil, Quebec, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, or and any jurisdiction where the Hackathon would be restricted or prohibited by law. Participants, including individual participants and members of a team, must be at least 18 years of age (or the local age of majority where they live, if older) at the time of registration.


  • All submitted smart contracts must be open source. The source code should be openly published for modification and use.
  • Contracts must be publicly available on GitHub, Gitlab, or similar publicly accessible link.
  • 江苏首个5G医疗专网30天建成 --科技日报数字报:2021-3-19 · 凭借专享带宽资源,5G医疗专网可有效满足医疗行业对信息传输安全性和迅捷性的要求,助力科技抗疫。 5G网络高速率、低时延、大连接的优势,可帮助医院实现检查实时化、设备移动化、数据安全化,让诊疗更加高效、便捷、安全,助力实现多学科会诊、远程影像筛查、应急调度等业务协同。
  • Contracts must be submitted by 11:45 pm EST on August 19, 2024. Late submissions won’t be accepted.
  • Good Will rule: it will be at the discretion of PBC if folks game the system by trying to make slight changes to an existing smart contract for the reward. 
  • Language Requirements: All Submission materials must be in English or, if not in English, the Maker must provide an English translation of the demonstration video, text description, and testing instructions as well as all other materials submitted.


Ludovic Galabru
Blockchain Engineer, Blockstack PBC

Aaron Blankstein
上海贝尔2021年信息通信网络技术展望 - 中国服务外包网 ...:2021-12-24 · 数字化生存已经是当今社会的主要特征。信息通信网络及其产业作为数字化的基石,正面临重构的机遇与挑战。“宽带中国”、“互联网+”众及“中国制造2021”等国家战略的出台,正是应对这一挑战的 …

Jaye Harrill
Communications Manager, Quantstamp

Judging Criteria

  • Design
    Is the smart contract well-structured, and broken into logical functions?
  • Functionality
    How powerful or robust is the functionality the smart contract provides?
  • Use of Clarity Reference
    How many different Clarity functions, keywords, or design principles are used?
  • Originality / Creativity
    How unique or innovative is the mechanism smart contract? Has it been implemented before?
  • Real World Viability
    How applicable is the smart contract to use in real-world situations?
  • Docomentation / Commenting
    Does the project come accompanied by comprehensive documentation or README? Is the code commented thoroughly so anyone could read through and discern its functionality?


  • Blockchain
  • Fintech
  • Gaming